Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm back

What a week.  I am feeling great!  I met my family Sunday night and they are awesome.  I spent the first night with them not knowing any language, but a few greetings, and they made me feel right at home.  I have an 11 year old sister, Sabah, 2 year old brothe,r Adam, and my mom, RabHa, and dad Moha.  Monday morning was the only sense of nervousness and questioning but once I got to school I felt great and my confidence is back!  I have learned so much of the language in just these past four days.  Every morning we have language then break, language, lunch, cross cultural, break and more language.  That varies but the point is we have a lot of breaks and drink a lot of mint tea!! We eat great, actually too good!!  So the school I am referring to is actually a house that the LCF (language & culural facilitor) lives in and we have class there.  There are 5 of us learning Tamazight.  We get along well and enjoy our lessons, making them fun!!  We even have a cook that comes and prepares our lunch and the tea, coffee and snacks for our 2 breaks.  We took field trips the first 2 days to meet the Gandarm (local authorities) in the next village because my village is so small.  We also saw the co-op in our village where the woman weave rugs, shaws, blankets, purses, etc.  Their products are beautiful, I just have to find a reliable way to send them home!!  On the first night, Sunday, we got to witness part of a wedding ceremony in the village with the music, singing and dancing.  Yesterday, was one of the PCT's birthday so her mom invited us over for a celebration, cake, tea and dancing, and most of the village woman came over.  Everyone was having a great time between belly dancing and good food!!!  On Tuesday night I brought out cards at home with my host family and we spent all night playing war.  I know I am going back and forth but I want to get it all out!!  That same night I called RabHa mima (mama) and my sister got so excited, so at that point I was officially part of the family.  Everyday has been something new and exciting.  To speak of the pictures...the first one is my room, which is more than enough, every night you see the shepherds bringing in their sleep and in the morning on my way to Lmdrasa (school) they are taking them out.  On Wednesday night my sister, Sabah, gave me Lhnna (henna) and the pic of the mountain is our view from the rooftop of my school and the last one is from a stop through the national forest near Azrou, where I am today for meetings.  The monkeys are everywhere, even walking along and in the streets.  I feel great, I am comfortable!  Learning this language is much different than learning one in school because I actually am interested and desiring to learn more, not to mention I must learn it because it is my only communication within my home and community! Each day the communication gets better with my family.  The only major adjustment I have had to this point is the bitLma, which is basically a hole to do my business in, with no toilet paper, just a faucet with tap water.  But the adjustment has gone smoothly!  This weekend I will spend with my family going to the Souk (market) and the Lhmam (public bath house) which is a social scene in its self.  The mountain that you saw in the pic of the view from the rooftop we are hopefully going to trek next weekend to see what is on the other side.  There is said to be a very small village and I am not sure what else.  We have a beautiful asif (river) that runs along the village with trees and red clay looking mud lining it.  The water moves quite swiftly when it rains.   Also, there are frogs everywhere and they come out when it rains.  They resemble bullfrogs with lime green stripes.  Also, back to the food, I have been eating the best olives imaginable...I can't wait to come across an olive tree.  They are so fresh...Morocco is  known for its olive trees. I think that is all for now...I do not know when I will be back but know I am enjoying life and am in harmony.  llay armbed...until later if God is willing.


  1. Loven all the pictures!! Its so neat to see everything! Keep them comen! Miss you and cant wait to read more!!

  2. Hello sis just wanted to let you know I'm staying updated and I check ur blog everyday. Im so happy for u love u miss u. -mal

  3. we are enjoying so much hearing about your adventures. keep them coming!


  4. Hi Marisa! It's good to read about your adventures! Stay well & happy sweety!
    Becky :)

  5. I feel so stupid!!! Not to be offensive but I thought the henna tattoos were rashes @_@!! Lol smh yeah......... Your blog is so exciting and advanturous!!! I'm glad to see you doing so well, and cant wait to see you!! I'm serious about coming to visit, let me know when a good time will be :o) Love you
